MacGruder Ranch is a 2,400 acre free-range, grass-fed cattle, sheep and pig ranch a few hours north of San Francisco, CA nestled in the Potter Valley. The family has farmed the land for 5 generations and has been providing healthy, sustainable, grass-fed meats for over 35 years. Practicing rotational grazing and low-input organic pasture management, the MacGruder family is passionate about quality meat raised humanely in a sustainable manner. They raise 100% Grass-fed beef and lamb, as well as pasture-raised,heritage, wild cross-breed pork, selling to top gourmet meat providers and restaurants such as Chez Panisse and 4505 Meats.

Services Provided:

  • Coaching
  • Creative Session Coordination & Facilitation
  • Business Vision-Building & Strategic Planning
  • Event Production of Week-Long Work Parties in Spring & Summer of 2012
    • Coordinated & facilitated core event team, logistics, planning, kitchen, construction team & 15-25 volunteers for the following projects:
    • Bunkhouse Construction: revitalized old building into long-term family-size guest space
    • Bath House: updated internal & external structures, including earthen plaster & mosaics
    • Covered Deck: built new deck & porch area

“Brittney helped co-organize and co-facilitate two ~20 person work parties at my ranch.  These multi-day extravaganzas included organizing people around several carpentry and natural building projects, coordinating meals and snacks, and setting up the lodging and hospitality components. Brittney was instrumental in organizing and executing the events.  In particular, as the host of these events, I felt that I could fully count on Brittney, that she was a partner in making the event a success.  In addition to the more tangible ways she contributed, i also greatly appreciate the space she held for me, other leaders, and the group as a whole – helping us step into each day with clarity and communication.”

–Ben Provan, Magruder Ranch

For more information about Creativity Chrysalis consulting, facilitation & coaching services, contact