Welcome to the extraordinary world of Theo, a mystical forest dweller, whose wild antics and enchanting flute offer the reader the Keys to inner bliss…

The Keys to The Palace of Bliss, an autobiographical fairy tale, is now available as a hardcover, paperback, eBook, and audiobook. The adventures told by the main character, Theo, are the unbelievable, true stories from the author’s own life.

For the past 22 years, author Toddy Calfin has floated around the globe on a magic carpet of love, trust, and gratitude. He has journeyed to 80 countries on one-way tickets and travels the world in utter simplicity, carrying only a toothbrush, a passport, and a bamboo flute. Todd is often described as a contemporary Pied-Piper/Peter Pan. He plans on never growing up.

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